Creatively Integrating
mobility, land use, parking & fees
“Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men’s blood and probably themselves will not be realized. Make big plans; aim high in hope and work, remembering that a noble, logical diagram once recorded will not die, but long after we are gone be a living thing ,asserting itself with ever-growing insistence.” – Daniel Burnham, 1910
Founded in 2011, NUE Urban Concepts (NUC) is a boutique urban planning firm that that specializes in creatively integrating mobility, land use, parking, and funding to reach a vision of livability. NUC works with both local governments and private developers throughout Florida to enhance mobility and land use practices by offering a broad range of planning services, including Visioning, Mobility Plans and Mobility Fees, Traffic Impact Analysis, Comprehensive Plan Amendments, Rezoning, Development Plan Approval, Land Development Regulation updates, Parking Studies, Impact Fees, Concurrency Evaluations, and Developer Agreements.
Some of our clients
Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.

- Mobility Plans & Mobility Fees
- Traffic & Concurrency Impact Analysis
- Impact Fees
- Visioning and Strategic Planning
- Safety and Vision Zero
- Innovative Land Use Planning
- Placemaking
- Creative Funding for Transportation
- Transit Oriented Development
- Complete & Living Street Design
- Corridor Studies
- Parking and Curb Management
- Micromobility & Microtransit Studies
- Walkable Urbanism
- Multimodal Oriented Developments
- Traditional Neighborhood Development
- Comprehensive Plan Amendments
- Development Plan Approvals
- Urban Infill & Mixed-Use Development
- Tax Increment Financing Development
- Developer Agreements
- Due Diligence
- Road Diets & Reimagining Roads
- Rezonings
- Multimodal Quality of Service Standards
- Mixed-Use Signage Policies and Design
- Open Container Ordinances
NUEUrban Concepts
Our Team

Jonathan B. Paul, AICP
Founder & Principal

Lauren Rushing
Project Manager / Principal Planner

Margarita Yerastova
Principal Planner & Graphic Designer